Leadership Assessments

There’s nothing like the complete view

Senior Leader Assessment

The Leadership Circle Profile™

An effective and objective assessment can provide a solid foundation for leadership coaching.

We are certified to administer The Leadership Circle Profile™ (LCP).  LCP is the only 360 degree assessment that simultaneously provides focused feedback on leadership competencies, whilst also providing deep insight into the leader’s behaviour and the assumptions that are driving it.

Once leaders have an awareness of the relationship between how they habitually think, how they behave, and, more importantly, how all this impacts their current level of leadership effectiveness, their  development can proceed.  Without it, enduring change rarely occurs.

Our feedback and coaching process will provide your senior executives with the tools and skills that create the steady, sustainable  and deep change they desire.  By receiving systematic feedback, they will see the areas in which their influence is effective, as well as what they need to accomplish in order to leap forward in others.

   ✦  Measures well researched, key senior leadership
        competencies — the behaviours and skill sets that
        result in effective leadership.

   ✦  Enhances the value of coaching and saves time. A
        coach will instantly see the whole picture so coaching
        can start at an advanced level.

   ✦  Provides a comprehensive metric for tracking senior
        leadership development and cultural change and
        facilitates ongoing performance management.

   ✦  Will allow your organisation to measure itself against a
        large norm base of over 225,000 evaluations of similar

Target Audience

The LCP is best suited to those leaders responsible for articulating the organisation’s overarching purpose, vision, goals and strategy. 

This would typically include:  “C-suite” leaders, GMs, Directors and senior executives with area responsibility, VPs and high-potential managers with strong leadership potential.

Manager Assessment

The Leadership Circle Profile™ Manager Edition

Leadership Circle ProfileTM Manager Edition (LCP-ME) is an innovation.  It is a similar, slightly less comprehensive tool designed for those in roles that are less complex than those of senior leaders.

However, it is not a management competencies assessment and does not assess traditional management skills such as planning, organising, directing, and controlling.

Target Audience

Those with primary responsibility for deployment and managing execution of the strategy at their level of responsibility, developing others, attracting and retaining talent and ensuring effective communication of the strategy, ideas, issues and engagement up and down the line. 

This would typically include: mid-level executives, project managers, department managers and team leaders and managers considered as emerging leaders.

The Leadership Circle Profile™

A User-Relevant Diagnostic Experience. Data that Makes Sense.

The Leadership Circle Profile is unmatched in the focus and accessibility it brings to displaying results.

It doesn’t overwhelm executives with unrelated data. Managers receive an at-a-glance view of the whole picture without labouring over volumes of data. The profile elegantly displays the critical relationships between strengths and weaknesses, creative competencies and reactive tendencies. It is unique because it reveals a leader’s “operating system” – the internal assumptions or beliefs that guide behaviour.

Managers gain significant insight and a new understanding about actions they can take to enhance their leadership effectiveness.

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Team Assessment

Team Diagnostic™

Most current organisational and coaching approaches assess and coach the team as a collection of individuals. This is valuable information for individual team members, but ignores a picture of the team as a whole.

The Team Diagnostic™ (TD), created by Team Coaching International, is a unique systems approach to working with teams. It regards the team as a dynamic “system” which is greater than the sum of its parts i.e. a living, dynamic entity with its own personality, rules, vision, blind spots and even moods.  With this diagnostic, the team’s needs are explored independent of the needs of any single member.

The model is based on two fundamental dimensions which all high performing teams share and maintain: a) Positivity, measured by factors such as trust, communication, optimism and alignment,; and b) Productivity, measured by those factors which contribute directly to achievement of objectives – goals and strategies, proactivity, leadership, decision making, accountability, alignment and bottom-line results. 

Teams that excel in both dimensions have been observed to be creative, adaptable and resilient.

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Team assessment to determine “where we are today” and “where we want to be”, followed by an action plan with measurement milestones and a focus on:

   ✦  Measurable improvement in team competencies. 

   ✦  Measurable impact on real business results (using KPIs).


Regular team coaching sessions to integrate new team behaviours, learn new skills, and take new action.


A second closing assessment and comprehensive comparison report providing a clear indication of progress.  And the question: “Where do we go next?”

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Leadership Team Assessment

The Leadership Culture Survey™

Few factors contribute more to business success than culture and culture is largely determined by the leadership team.

Effective leadership is a primary competitive advantage and a strategic priority, especially in complex and dynamic business environments where resilience and the ability to adapt are critical, particularly amongst senior leadership.

The LCS is the most comprehensive assessment available on the overall effectiveness of leadership in an organisation. The survey reveals extremely valuable data on how your people view their current leadership culture, and compares this reality with the optimal culture they desire. The “gap” between current and desired leadership culture instantly reveals key opportunities for leadership development in the team.  As such, it will:

   ✦  Provide a compelling rationale for change

   ✦  Focus leadership development efforts on relevant areas

   ✦  Clearly delineate the cultural challenges associated
        with acquisitions, mergers and restructuring plans

   ✦  Correlate the perceived quality of leadership to all key
        bottom line metrics

It can be used for your entire organisation, or a specific division or leadership team. Oxygen is certified by The Leadership Circle to use The Leadership Culture Survey™.
